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Solid Color Woven Wrist Straps

Another GREAT Add-On for Personalization!

Here is where you can build a Custom Wrist Strap with up up to 17 different colors using Woven Nylon or PolyPro strap materials coupled with your choice of matching Black Chrome, Brass, Chrome or Copper Hardware. You also have a choice to add a Matching Strap Adjuster and Mounting Loop, unless of course you have other methods of mounting.

Custom lengths can be ordered by contacting BubbaSam for a pricing and lead time.

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Woven PolyPro Wrist Straps  
PolyPro Wrist Straps are Extremely Strong and Durable 100% Woven PolyPro Straps that are Water Proof and both Mildew and UV Resistant. The finished strap will is 1/2 inch wide by appx 11 inches long after build, depending on the clasp chosen. Nylon offers a tensile strength of 300 pounds. Currently offered in 9 available colors for your choice.

Woven Nylon Wrist Straps  
Nylon Wrist Straps are also Extremely Strong and Durable. These 100% Pure Woven Nylon Straps are 1/2 inch wide by appx 11 inches long after build, depending on the clasp chosen. They offer a tensile strength (average breaking point under good conditions) of 1,250 pounds and proudly made in the U.S.A. Currently offered in 8 colors for your choice. Email us if a custom length is desired.


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