Looking for something with a little more grip on the end of your stik, staf or cane?
Norwegian Steel Ferrules
are an excellent choice for summer hiking or those winter months of snow and ice.
Permanently installed these Norwegian steel ferrules are then plated in brass, black chrome, copper or nickel.
Offered from 18mm to 30mm inside diameters. The 26mm (1") will fit all of our stiks and stafs. The tips below will fit these Ferrules perfectly!
Want to put it on yourself? You can find installation instructions
on our Support page. Ferrules start as low as $9.69... and includes Packaging & USA Shipping if shipped with a Stik or Staf Order.
Ferrule Rubber Tips
are offered as a Standard (no weight bearing), to protect that beautiful floor when storing, and the Heavy Duty for weight bearing when needed.
As with all of our rubber tips they have steel reinforced inserts to prevent puncturing in black only.
Offered for use on our ferrules with a 3/8" inside diameter. Ferrule Rubber Tips start as low as $2.42... and includes Packaging & USA Shipping if shipped with a Stik or Staf Order.