StepinStiks - Designed by You, Built by Us!
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5 Stars 430 | 99%
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Customer Testimonial Results

Our Stiks are Averaging a 4.90 Out of 5 Star Rating.        Let's hear from YOU!
3 Testimonials Found for ID.         Click HERE To Enter Your Comments and Rate Your Stik!
On Nov 10, 2016 at 12:14 PM Dan of Oldtown, ID wrote: 5 Star Rating
I thank BubbaSam... he is an extraordinary person. He helped me out in my time of need to get a new and wonderful cane... it is amazing! Perfect craftsmanship, great balance and excellent shipping. It only took 2 days and arrived just how I imagined it to be. Thank you BubbaSam for everything... thank you for helping me in my time of need and working with me. You are an ace in my book! I recommend anybody who needs a cane to buy one from BubbaSam.

On Jul 24, 2014 at 3:34 AM Scott of Boise, ID wrote: 5 Star Rating
Good morning! I have just arrived at my office and the StepinStik is here, a 10 out of 10. It's beautiful in every regard and meets or exceeds my expectations. Thank you again for the great customer service and the grace you present when dealing with all my questions. I am a fan.

Take care Scott

On Aug 31, 2011 at 4:27 PM Cliff of Meridian, ID wrote: 5 Star Rating
They delivered my stick today. I was impressed by the speed in which it came. The packaging was first rate. It was absolutely perfect, nessled in its bubble wrap and tube. Impessive. Let me start by saying that I had to buy a few canes to find out how one is to be designed and built. WEIGHT: It should be light. BALANCE: It should balance 1/3 the way down from the handle end. QUALITY IN MATERIALS: It should be made of the best materials obtainable. QUALITY IN WORKMANSHIP: Attention paid to fit and finish. I am happy to report that this Stick fits the bill in every respect. The wood to metal joinery is top drawer...tight and strong. The Ash shaft is flawless and strong enough to hold alot more weight than the stated 250#. Ash is the same wood used in ball bats. I ordered the chrome Hame and am glad I did. The ball fits my hand well and it looks stylish and handsome. The offset is perfect making it very controllable and supportive. I am overjoyed with this stick and Sam is aces. Well worth the money and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a quality product and a stick they can depend on.

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