StepinStiks - Designed by You, Built by Us!
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Customer Testimonial Results

Our Stiks are Averaging a 4.90 Out of 5 Star Rating.        Let's hear from YOU!
11 Testimonials Found for 2023.         Click HERE To Enter Your Comments and Rate Your Stik!
On Dec 30, 2023 at 3:51 PM Cyn of Clearwater, FL wrote: 5 Star Rating
I love my Bubba Stik. I called and talked to BubbaSam to discuss length and he was very helpful. My Bubba Stik arrived in a very timely manner. I chose to have the wrist strap as an add on, and let me tell you, it's saved me from dropping it many times. Also, it's an excellent defensive weapon in an emergency. A loose dog charged my service dog, and I applied the ash shaft to it's forehead. The loose dog changed her mind and went away. I've had the same stik for years now, and only need to replace the rubber tip. The handle is showing some wear, but being brass I am going to remove the clear coat entirely and just keep it polished like any other brass. Love my Bubba Stik!

On Nov 29, 2023 at 2:34 PM Robert of Edmond, OK wrote: 5 Star Rating
I just received by Bubba Stik and I am vert impressed. It is exactly as I ordered and is just great! I was especially pleased with the length. It was cut to the length I requested. GREAT JOB!

On Oct 31, 2023 at 10:37 AM Euan of Crowborough, E. Sussex, GBR wrote: 5 Star Rating
Exotic StepinStik received, very quickly and very nice. I’m very pleased with it and have already received a compliment about it.

Thank you for your excellent service, including the expedited delivery and the extras you kindly included.

On Sep 3, 2023 at 9:00 AM Robert M of Cumming, GA wrote: 5 Star Rating
I purchased an Exotic StepinStik with a Brass Top, Mahogany shaft, a Brass Embedded Button and a Horse Hair Tassel on a Brass Mounting Loop. It is extremely nice, maybe elegant even. The cane was packaged very well for shipping also. I will post a pic in the gallery if possible. For reference I'm 6'1" and cut cane to 37.5".

On Jun 6, 2023 at 2:36 PM Lisa of Merrimack, NH wrote: 5 Star Rating
I've bought two BubbaStiks over the years when I was still living in Los Angeles and I needed a new one with a metal ferrule instead of the rubber ends of my previous stiks, so I went right back here.

Yes, you can buy them elsewhere, but they don't have that custom love (and perfect length) that you get when you have them made to order.

Bubba Sam was awesome during our back and forth emails several years ago, and that's what's helped to bring me back. Not only is the product wonderful, but the customer service is wonderful!

I'm looking forward to hiking the trails of New England with my new BubbaStik.

Thanks, Bubba Sam!

On Apr 11, 2023 at 9:33 AM Mace of Citrus Heights, CA wrote: 5 Star Rating
All three StepinStik Stafs just got here and I LOVE them. My son really likes the Space Force Medallion the most. I like them all!

On Mar 11, 2023 at 3:30 PM Steve of Skillman, NJ wrote: 5 Star Rating
The Exotic Stik just arrived. I had VERY high expectation for this stick… and it did not disappoint. This is absolutely stunning. The wood grain and color is perfect. And I am very happy that I chose to appoint it with the Tassel and Button. I also love that this is made in the USA. I cannot wait to get off my crutches and onto this cane. I can’t thank you enough.

(See More Customer Photos HERE)
On Mar 1, 2023 at 2:03 PM Byrd of Champaign County, OH wrote: 5 Star Rating
BubbaSam is a gentleman and his products reflect his hard work and integrity.

On Feb 1, 2023 at 10:28 AM Bryan of Ontario, CAN wrote: 5 Star Rating

Your Canes are a pleasure to walk with; so comfortable in the hand while walking. I put a lot of pressure on my hand in order to walk, and your canes are the most comfortable in the industry. I walk farther with yours than any other. Excellent quality products! You are also so easy to deal with. You treat me like family. You are a real Gentleman. It's a pleasure to know you. Thanks for being you and may God bless.

On Jan 30, 2023 at 7:53 PM Pamela of Louisiana, LA wrote: 5 Star Rating
I'm writing this testimonial on behalf of my late husband, Bob Anderson. Sam worked closely with Bob to create the perfect Stik. Sam custom designed it to include Bob's military insignia and other special requests. Bob had a bad ankle, so when walking long distances, he felt safe and confident when using his Stik. He was very proud of it! The attached picture is us at our granddaughter, Rachel's, graduation; Bob with his Stik. He absolutely loved it!

(See More Customer Photos HERE)
On Jan 27, 2023 at 2:46 PM Jason of Macomb Twp, MI wrote: 5 Star Rating
These stiks are hands-down the best stik out there. I have tried many other walking canes/sticks in the past and their quality is not even close to what you get here. When I proudly walk with my stik heads turn to see what I am using and many times I have been stopped and asked what I have. Every single person that has stopped me I tell them what I have and I ask them to feel and try it. Every single time they are amazed by the style, the wood, the features, the feel, the quality and their very next question to me is where did I get it and how can they get it. If I happen to have a business card from this company I gladly hand it over.(or write the website down) and I have even shared my personal cell phone number with them and ask them to call me when they get their stik so we can chat. I do get lots of calls back when they get their stik and they always thank me again for helping them find a quality walking stick. I always tell them thanks but the thank you truly needs to go to Bubba Sam and his excellent team that make these excellent stiks. If you're still reading, why? Go and get yourself one and you will see as well as feel the true quality of a real walking stik. I guarantee you will have the same experiences I have received and will be leaving your testimony just as I am.

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