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Customer Testimonial Results

Our Stiks are Averaging a 4.90 Out of 5 Star Rating.        Let's hear from YOU!
17 Testimonials Found for 2010.         Click HERE To Enter Your Comments and Rate Your Stik!
On Dec 28, 2010 at 3:15 PM TangStamp of Mansfield, TX wrote: 5 Star Rating
My family bought me one for Christmas. This is the best cane I own and a pleasure to use and show off. I'm proud that it's made by craftsman in my area. Thanks for a quality crafted cane with amazing features. Well worth the money.

On Dec 22, 2010 at 4:27 PM Jerome of Cuyahoga Falls, OH wrote: 5 Star Rating
I just received my Stik the other day and I was amazed at the quality in it. I have MS so it will get alot of use over the next years. Thanks again for all your attention to my special needs and the speed in which you filled my order. Thanks again and I will let other know about your company.

On Dec 17, 2010 at 10:57 PM Steve of MiraLoma, CA wrote: 5 Star Rating
My son bought my Stik while passing through Texas and right after he gave it to me I fell in love with it. The way it fits into the palm of my hand is unbelievable. I am 6'6" and over 300 pounds. This cane by far surpasses any other cane I have ever owned. I belong to a disabled Veterans group and I am sure many of these Vets are looking to aquire there own sticks. BTW I am a inactive Marine. Thank you folks for developing this wonderful cane. I have only one negative report and that is that the black rubber tip that comes with your stik has a very short life span. The tips i bought at home Depot have a much better life span. Sorry BubbaFolks but i need to protect my fellow Vets.

On Dec 13, 2010 at 5:33 PM Bill of Providence Village, TX wrote: 5 Star Rating
Bought my stik several years ago while doing a piece of work In Muenster TX. Our work was hard and my back was mighty sore. At the end of the day, heading out of town, I stopped in a convenience store for something cold to maybe ease the discomfort of the day. Well... there it was... The BubbaStik. I've traveled a ways in the past years , good and not so good times. The BubbaStik always at my side to help me move down the trail.

On Dec 12, 2010 at 11:13 PM Edward of Gainesville , TX wrote: 5 Star Rating
Everytime I would go to my pharmacy at Tom thumb I would see the BubbaStik there but never bought one. Then a couple of weeks ago an old back injury started giving me problems standing up and sitting down so I had my wife go down and buy me one. It has been everything I thought it would be... elegant, comfortable, and sturdy enough for my 350 pound frame. The fact that's its made in Texas let alone here in Gainesville makes it that much more of a great deal I plan on collecting all the styles you offer. Thank you very much you have made the pain bearable.

On Nov 20, 2010 at 2:05 PM John of Chantilly, VA wrote: 5 Star Rating
I am now the proud owner of a BubbaStik. What a fantastic, well built product! The most amazing part was the price. I had looked locally for weeks, and I found very few canes. None of the quality of the BubbaStik and most 2 to 3 times the cost. Even better, yours was the only one made in America.

I'm ordering another for myself and plan to give others for gifts.

On Nov 20, 2010 at 8:11 AM Laurimo of East Wenatchee, WA wrote: 5 Star Rating
I am a 43 year-old single mother. I became disabled a few years ago and found myself having trouble walking. A few years earlier, my mom had seen the BubbaStik at a local truck stop in Texas where she lives. After realizing that I needed some help, she ordered one for me.

The BubbaStik is awesome! It is so beautiful and stylish that I am not embarrassed to use it in public. It gives me the complete feeling of stability with its solid weight and construction. My name is burned into the wood which is really terrific looking too.

People ask me about my BubbaStik wherever I go. It has become quite the conversation starter. Those with canes of much lesser quality are amazed at how well constructed and beautiful mine is.

This year, I am going to buy two more to give as Christmas presents to my aging in-laws. They have been admiring mine, and it is time that they got to enjoy the benefits of having their own too.

Thank you so much for making such a wonderful product. It has truly become an extension of my physical self. Wherever I go, my BubbaStik goes.

On Oct 7, 2010 at 7:40 PM Gerry of Sioux Falls, SD wrote: 5 Star Rating
I've had several canes through the years and wore them out (Broke Them!} in short order. I purchased a BubbaStik Nearly two years ago with the "Ferrule Tip" (Ice Tip) which works great with our Slippery Icy South Dakota winters and it is still going strong. I use the "Stik" whenever I walk and all I've had to do was replace the rubber tips as they wear out. I'm a big guy and have really put the "Stik" through it's paces. The brass hame handle is strong and comfortable to grip. I would highly recommend the "BubbaStik".

On Sep 27, 2010 at 8:12 PM Michael of Somewhere in, CA wrote: 5 Star Rating
I bought mine in a truck stop in Utah and I love it 'cause my knees were startin' ta act up! After the good 'ol head-on collision I had in 2009 after I lost my job AND my wife,I darn near loose my LIFE! I did die 2 times and got to see my Granddaddy on the "other side" he told me to go back and get to work! So, now my BubbaStik really came in handy due to the fact I had to get my whole right side replaced from the hip down. I don't and can't go anywhere without my BubbaStik! But,sadly,I just lost my prized Bubba and so I got online and boy am I happy to see I can get another BUBBASTIK! This one is gonna be even better! THANK YOU!

On Jul 19, 2010 at 12:59 AM Whittlin' Jack of Irmo, SC wrote: 5 Star Rating
I've had to use a cane for almost 15 years. Being 6'3" and on the "larger" side, I've had to rely on standard canes for much of that time.

I found my BUBBASTIK at a nearby Loves travel store and had to get one. It's a great improvement in anything else that I've used. The handle is much more comfortable than any other that I've used, and doesn't aggravate my arthritis or my corporal tunnel. After trimming it down a bit, it fits me just like a glove and is now my constant companion.

If I could I'd have to rate it as "5 Star, PLUS".

Thanks for such a great product.

On Jun 23, 2010 at 2:48 PM Specops of Springtown, TX wrote: 5 Star Rating
BubbaSam made it possible for me to help a good friend in need and the Stik is Fantastic! I was amazed at it's beauty and how tough it's made! The Friend I got it for loves it! BubbaSam, you're one great guy and you make a Fantastic product! From the Brass top to the Black Walnut shaft it's 100% quality! I'd recommend one of these to anyone! I hope to own one for myself one day and I can't even walk! But I'd be happy to have an accessory that looked that good and would serve well in many capacities! If you want something to help you keep your balance or to accompany you on the mean streets get yourself a BubbaStik, not only will it keep you upright it would put down a bad guy real quick! Thanks for what you did for me BubbaSam, it's going to make a lot of difference in that Friends life! God Bless, Specops.

On Jun 8, 2010 at 1:03 PM Bird of Corinth, TX wrote: 5 Star Rating
I had priced walking canes, but had not found one that "felt" right to use. Then last year, quite by accident, I saw the BubbaStik in a Love's Travel Stop and bought it. Being a bit longer and heavier makes it feel better to me; not to mention looking better. I like mine so much that I've since bought 3 more as gifts for a friend and relatives.

On Apr 30, 2010 at 4:16 PM Gary of Newport Beach, CA wrote: 5 Star Rating
Hello, Honestly, can there be a better value out there for walking sticks? I think not. Picked mine up here at a local Boot Barn store. Everyone who sees this beauty wants to buy it from me!

Best buy out there hands down. Keep up the good work...

On Mar 20, 2010 at 1:27 AM Billy of Holliday , TX wrote: 5 Star Rating
I really enjoy my BubbaStik. It gets lots of compliments. BubbaStiks are very robust and should handle anything you want to do.

Thank You

On Mar 6, 2010 at 8:46 PM Sam of National Park, NJ wrote: 5 Star Rating
I recently ran a circular saw through my left leg while on the job two stories up on a extention ladder. I live in a second floor apartment and dont have a full range of motion back in my leg yet so naturally I kinda need help getting up and down the stairs. I'm only 32 and never needed a walking aid so had no clue what to look for. I did some research on the net found yall and being born in Houston and living in Lake Livingston, till i moved to dirty Jersey when I was 21, I naturally chose BubbaStik. Im extreamly happy I did; quality excellent, price is right, and oooh so comfortable. Thank yal so very much, although I hope I wont need it for long. I will keep it for life.

On Jan 16, 2010 at 12:35 PM Redbeard of Fremont, CA wrote: 5 Star Rating
Yes, even semi-retired writer type people from California who lived in Texas use BubbaStiks. I put it on my Christmas list and guess what Santa brought me. A beautiful Oak colored one which I have enjoyed using for the last few weeks. The 39" height is much better than the standard 35 or 36 inch length for me. I am 6 foot tall and wanted a walking "stik" to help steady me when I am poking around the sea shore or getting into odd locations to take pictures. In addition, my doctor wants me to walk more this year so I figured a good walking stick would help and provide some degree of protection as well. Like no other one I have, this cane fits my needs of a solid handle, perfect height, excellent quality, and good looks. It is, as well, nice to know that by the end of a hard day going in and out of antique stores, or when we are finally at the last winery on the tour, my BubbaStik is there to help me though the crowd...ah... one way or another.

On Jan 3, 2010 at 7:45 PM Big John of Wichita, KS wrote: 5 Star Rating
I bought my first BubbaStik in 2004, I have 4 stiks. Three are all beat up and look need refinishing. I am ordering a new formal black stik. I walk with a cane due to an auto accident. The hame tip is the most comfortable cane handle I have ever used.

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